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Courtesy of Chilliwack Healthier Community!
General Resources
Dial 9-1-1
1-800-784-2433 (24/7)
A trans-led organization that connects trans people to
community, support, and resources.
1-800-563-0808 (24/7)
Crisis support for anyone who has experienced violence.
604-875-4995 (24/7)
604-255-6344 (24/7)
Serves women and marginalized genders.
1-800-668-6868 (24/7)
OR Text CONNECT to 686868Professional counselling, information and referrals, and
volunteer-led, text-based support for young people in
English and French.
Free Support Groups & Resources (local)
Weekly afte-school drop-ins for youth & allies in Chilliwack, Mission & Abbotsford - Ages 13-25
Peer-led support groups for trans people of all ages & their families, free gender affirming apparel
Weekly after-school meet-up for trans youth ages 12-18 facilitated by a counsellor
Strengthening the health and well-being of GBQ men and gender diverse people
2SLGBTQIA+ and GNC substance use support in the Fraser Valley. Queer peers 4 queer peers.
Free Support Groups & Resources (Digital)
Groups, legal help, medical services/help (contacts, training options, and services)
Grassroots hotline and micro-grant non-profit organization providing direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis
Parent Peer Support, Training & Resources
A cross-Canadian support group for parents of Trans, Two-Spirit & Gender Diverse Kids. Parents canadiens d'enfants trans et bispirituels est un groupe d'entraide pour les parents d'enfants de divers genres.
National non-profit organization focusing on 2SLGBTQIA+ health, care, and wellness.
Confidential, non-judgemental and informed 2SLGBTQ+ peer support through text and chat.
Peer support line and resource database for 2SLGBTQ+ youth in British Columbia, Canada.
A Black youth-specific service, positioned and resourced to promote access to professional, culturally appropriate support for youth, families and schools.
Resources and support for educators, parents, and students to create inclusive and safe learning environments for 2SLGBTQ+ individuals in British Columbia.
Bc.sogieducation .org
Inclusive resources for public schools, fostering safe environments and addressing student challenges.
Pacific Centre for Reproductive Medicine
» Fertility care, providing diagnosis, counselling, and treatment for all patients.
PacificFertility. ca
Fraser Health Public Health Unit - Chilliwack
Pregnancy, Early Child Health & Sexual Health Clinic
Speech Development Preschool
Breastfeeding/Chestfeeding Support
Child Injury Prevention Program
Early Childhood Development Services
Teen Prenatal Classes
Communicable Disease Prevention and Control
Drug Checking, needle distribution and harm reduction
supply distribution and collection
Community Pain Program
Tuberculosis Testing
45470 Menholm Road, Chilliwack
Builds safe school communities, enabling help-seeking and reporting of concerns.
Ensures fairness in public sector treatment, investigates complaints, and enhances public services.
Platform to report discrimination incidents, ensuring fair treatment and justice.
Legal support and advocacy against transphobia, upholding transgender rights.
Promotes inclusivity and diversity, supporting sexual diversity rights.
Gender Affirming Health Care & Support
Supports equitable and accessible care, surgical planning, and community support for trans individuals province-wide, including:
Care & Support
Accessing Care: navigation, sexual & reproductive health, mental health & wellness support.
Social Transition: name & gender marker change, packing, binding, tucking, padding, speech alteration, hair removal.
Peer & Community Support: peer directory, support resources for advocacy, legal issues, immigrants & refugees, partners & spouses, parents, caregivers & family
Hormone Therapy & Readiness Assessments
Types of Hormone Therapies: Testosterone, Estrogen, Progesterone, testosterone blockers, and Puberty Blockers for youth.
Surgery/SurgeriesConsiderations, surgical assessments, referrals, funding, surgeons, and preparation for upper and lower body surgeries.
Based in Mission, BC
Free Counseling Services (local)
Ages: 12 - 16
Format: Virtual and face-to-face
No referral is needed, confidential
Counseling for women, men, teens, kids, families, and couples without judgment or pressure to change
24/7 Help Line: 604-792-3116
9046 Young Rd
Free counseling foor people of all genders and yourh aged 8+
Unit 101-7075 Vedder Road
Youth & Family Therapy & Outreach Services
Liza Hirtreiter, Family Services Intake Woker
Youth & Family support services for education, employment, housing , substance use, and mental health
Free Counseling Services (Digital)
Health and wellness resources, services, and supports for youth ages 12 to 25, online and at service centers across BC
Digital queer-affirming therapy
Counseling specifically tailored for Two Spirit and Indigi-Queer Individuals